Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Growing Up

Please excuse the gnome by the fireplace.

Today has been a landmark day! I have finally purchased my first high-end camera - leaving me nothing short of two grand, it is every bit worth it's money! I am now equipped to also video in HD on this baby, so during the summer, I plan to venture into some light-hearted cinematography - a side hobby on the job!

It's quite late on in the day, so the light is fast fading, so no time for a shoot with the new baby, but on the way home from Glasgow, earlier this evening, I had the opportunity to shoot a moving car from the moving train in fairly low light, and unbelievably, the camera completely froze the shot - I am in true awe!

For now though, it is back to the editing suite and shoot prep. Tomorrow, Nikki and I will have the absolute pleasure to work with the rather mysterious Kirsty Fraser. Needless to say, I am rather looking forward to it.

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